The blog is the website

Today, I launch my company’s new website. This is the third redesign in ten years for Pixel Riot, and I want to do things a little differently this time. Here's what I'm thinking: I’ll stazz up the home page. Make it real cute. Then, I'll make my about me, services, resources, and mission statement—all the subpages for a typical agency—into evergreen blog posts.
For agency work, a well-designed home page with pithy copywriting and custom graphics is all you need. I've learned this after a decade of building Pixel Riot. Subpages are really just blog posts trying to be home pages and failing. Think about it. About me? Blog post. More details about a service? Blog post. A self-grandizing white paper on a particularly fantastic website launch? Blog post and maybe some graphics. Even a portfolio of work can, nay, should, be presented as a collection of short blog posts that tell a story.
My point is to resist the urge to over-design simply because conventions tell you that you must. Not every subpage needs an image with a text overlay on the header. Too much white space sometimes indicates that this subpage could use another format.
When I'm not doing my job, I communicate to you what I can do for your business and why I'm the human for the job. On the web, I can do that with imagery and the written word. Overly designed subpages mostly just get in the way of that message.
What do you think? Drop me a line anytime.